1. Documentation
This is the documentation for the Road Generation tool.
1.1. interface.h
This file contains important data structures.
Copyright (c) 2021 Institut für Kraftfahrzeuge, RWTH Aachen, ika Report bugs and download new versions https://github.com/ika-rwth-aachen/RoadGeneration
This library is distributed under the MIT License.
- Author
Jannik Busse, Christian Geller Contact: jannik.busse@rwth-aachen.de, christian.geller@rwth-aachen.de
enum junctionGroupType
enumerator roundaboutType
enumerator unknownType
enumerator roundaboutType
enum contactPointType
enumerator startType
enumerator endType
enumerator noneType
enumerator startType
enum geometryType
enumerator line
enumerator spiral
enumerator arc
enumerator line
enum linkType
enumerator roadType
enumerator junctionType
enumerator roadType
settings setting
struct connection
- #include <interface.h>
connection between two lanes
Public Functions
inline string to_string()
Public Members
int id = -1
int from = -1
int to = -1
contactPointType contactPoint = noneType
int fromLane = -1
int toLane = -1
inline string to_string()
struct junction
- #include <interface.h>
junction holding several connections
Public Functions
inline string to_string()
inline string to_string()
struct roadmark
- #include <interface.h>
roadmark holding lane appearance properties
Public Members
double s = 0
string type = "solid"
string weight = "standard"
string color = "white"
double width = 0.15
double s = 0
struct width
- #include <interface.h>
width holding the lanewidth with a 3rd order polynomial
Public Members
double s = 0
double a = setting.width.standard
double b = 0
double c = 0
double d = 0
double s = 0
struct offset
- #include <interface.h>
offset holding the lanesection offset with a 3rd order polynomial
Public Members
double a = 0
double b = 0
double c = 0
double d = 0
double a = 0
struct material
- #include <interface.h>
material holding the material properties of a lane
Public Members
double s = 0
string surface = "asphalt"
double friction = 0.8
double roughness = 0.015
double s = 0
struct lane
- #include <interface.h>
lane holding all properties of a lane
struct laneSection
- #include <interface.h>
laneSection holds several lanes in a defined s section
struct geometry
- #include <interface.h>
geometry holds all properties of a geometry on the reference line
Public Members
geometryType type
double s = -1
double x = -1
double y = -1
double hdg = -1
double length = -1
double c = -1
double c1 = -1
double c2 = -1
geometryType type
struct link
- #include <interface.h>
link is either predecessor or successor and defines id and properties of previous/next element
struct object
- #include <interface.h>
object holds all object properties
Public Members
int id = -1
string type = ""
double s = 0
double t = 0
double z = 0
double hdg = 0
string orientation = "none"
double length = 0
double width = 0
double height = 0
bool repeat = false
double len = 0
double distance = 0
int id = -1
struct sign
- #include <interface.h>
sign holds all signal properties
Public Members
int id = -1
string type = ""
string subtype = "-1"
int rule = -1
double value = -1
double s = 0
double t = 0
double z = 0
string orientation = "none"
double width = 0.4
double height = 2
bool dynamic = false
string country = "OpenDRIVE"
int id = -1
struct control
- #include <interface.h>
control to define a controller with several signals
struct road
- #include <interface.h>
road holding all properties of a road
Public Members
bool isConnectingRoad = false
bool isLinkedToNetwork = false
double length = 0
int id = -1
int inputSegmentId = -1
int inputId = -1
int roundAboutInputSegment = -1
int junction = -1
string inputPos = ""
string type = "town"
string classification = ""
link predecessor
link successor
vector<geometry> geometries
vector<laneSection> laneSections
vector<object> objects
vector<sign> signs
bool isConnectingRoad = false
struct junctionGroup
Public Functions
inline junctionGroup()
inline ~junctionGroup()
inline junctionGroup()
struct roadNetwork
- #include <interface.h>
roadNetwork is the overall struct holding all data
Public Functions
inline roadNetwork()
Public Members
string file
string outputFile
vector<road> roads
vector<junction> junctions
vector<control> controller
vector<junctionGroup> juncGroups
int nSignal = 0
int nSegment = 0
inline roadNetwork()
1.2. Generation
1.2.1. buildSegments.h
file contains a method for generating segments
int buildSegments(const DOMElement *rootNode, roadNetwork &data)
function creates all segments which can be either a junction, roundabout or connectingroad
- Parameters:
inputxml – tree structure which contains the input data
data – roadNetwork data where the openDrive structure should be generated
- Returns:
int error code
1.2.2. junctionWrapper.h
file contains method for generating junctions
int junctionWrapper(const DOMElement *node, roadNetwork &data)
function takes the junction as input argument and calls the junction type function
- Parameters:
node – input data from the input file for the tjunction
data – roadNetwork structure where the generated roads and junctions are stored
- Returns:
int error code
1.2.3. tjunction.h
file contains method for generating t junction
int tjunction(const DOMElement *node, roadNetwork &data)
function generates the roads and junctions for a t junction which is specified in the input file
- Parameters:
node – input data from the input file for the tjunction
data – roadNetwork structure where the generated roads and junctions are stored
- Returns:
int error code
1.2.4. xjunction.h
file contains method for generating x junction
int xjunction(const DOMElement *domNode, roadNetwork &data)
function generates the roads and junctions for a x junction which is specified in the input file
- Parameters:
node – input data from the input file for the xjunction
data – roadNetwork structure where the generated roads and junctions are stored
- Returns:
int error code
1.2.5. roundAbout.h
file contains method for generating roundabout
int juncGroupIdToJuncId(int juncGroupId, int juncIdx)
translates the input segment id and the index of the junction inside the roundabout to an absolute junction id
- Parameters:
juncGroupId – input id of the segment. Equals the id of the junction group
juncIdx – index of the junction inside the roundabout. Starts with 0 and counting up
- Returns:
int resulting id of the junction in the output file
int roundAbout(const DOMElement *node, roadNetwork &data)
function generates the roads and junctions for a roundabout which is specified in the input file
- Parameters:
node – input data from the input file for the roundAbout
data – roadNetwork structure where the generated roads and junctions are stored
- Returns:
int error code
1.2.6. buildRoad.h
file contains method for building up a road
int computeFirstLast(DOMElement *roadIn, int &foundfirst, int &foundlast, double &sStart, double &sEnd)
function computes first and last considered geometry in s interval
- Parameters:
roadIn – road input data
foundfirst – id of the first considerd geometry
foundlast – id of the last considerd geometry
sStart – start of the s interval
sEnd – end of the s interval
- Returns:
int error code
int generateGeometries(DOMElement *roadIn, road &r, double &sStart, double &sEnd)
function genetares the geometries of the reference line based on an s intervall
- Parameters:
roadIn – road input data
r – road data containing the reference line information
sStart – start of the s interval
sEnd – end of the s interval
- Returns:
int error code
int shiftGeometries(road &r, double sStart, double sEnd, double s0, double x0, double y0, double phi0)
function shift the geometries of the reference line
- Parameters:
r – road input data
sStart – start of s interval
sEnd – end of s interval
s0 – s0 is origin of reference line
x0 – global x position of origin
y0 – global y position of origin
phi0 – global angle of origin
- Returns:
int error code
int flipGeometries(road &r)
function flips geometries of reference line
- Parameters:
r – road data error code
int addLanes(DOMElement *roadIn, road &r, int mode)
function adds lanes to the road structure
- Parameters:
roadIn – road input data
r – road data
mode – defines the mode (flipped or not)
- Returns:
int error code
int addLaneSectionChanges(DOMElement *roadIn, road &r, DOMElement *automaticWidening)
function adds additional lane sections for changing lane structure
- Parameters:
roadIn – road input data
r – road data
automaticWidening – automatic widing input data
- Returns:
int error code
int buildRoad(DOMElement *roadIn, road &r, double sStart, double sEnd, DOMElement *automaticWidening, double s0, double x0, double y0, double phi0)
function builds a road based on the input data
- Parameters:
road – road input data
r – road data
sStart – starting s position
sEnd – ending s position
automaticWidening – automaticWiding input data
s0 – position of s where x0, y0, phi0 should be reached
x0 – reference x position
y0 – reference y position
phi0 – reference angle
- Returns:
int error code
1.2.7. connectingRoad.h
file contains method for generating connecting road segment
int connectingRoad(DOMElement *node, roadNetwork &data)
function generates the road for a connecting road which is specified in the input file
- Parameters:
node – input data from the input file for the connecting road
data – roadNetwork structure where the generated roads and junctions are stored
- Returns:
int error code
1.2.8. createRoadConnection.h
file contains method for generating connecting road segment
int connectingRoad(DOMElement *node, roadNetwork &data)
function generates the road for a connecting road which is specified in the input file
- Parameters:
node – input data from the input file for the connecting road
data – roadNetwork structure where the generated roads and junctions are stored
- Returns:
int error code
1.2.9. createLaneConnection.h
file contains method for generating lane connection in junction area
int createLaneConnection(road &r, laneSection lS1, laneSection lS2, int from, int to, string left, string right)
function creates a new lane for a connecting road
- Parameters:
r – connecting road
lS1 – lanesection of adjacent road at start
lS2 – lanesection of adjacent road at end
from – start lane Id
to – end lane Id
left – left roadmarking
right – right roadmarking
- Returns:
int error code
1.2.10. addLaneSections.h
file contains methodology for lanesection changes such as lanedrop, lane widening or restricted lanes
int addLaneWidening(vector<laneSection> &secs, int side, double s, double ds, bool addOuterLane)
function adds a laneSection with laneWideing to a given lanesection set
- Parameters:
secs – vector of all lanesections of a road
side – determines the road’s side of the widening
s – position of lane widening
ds – length of lane widening
addouterLane – specifies if additional lane is on the outer side or not
- Returns:
int error code
int addLaneDrop(vector<laneSection> &secs, int side, double s, double ds)
function adds a laneSection with laneDrop to a given lanesection set
- Parameters:
secs – vector of all lanesections of a road
side – determines the road’s side of the drop
s – position of laneDrop
ds – length of laneDrop
- Returns:
int error code
int addRestrictedAreaWidening(vector<laneSection> &secs, int side, double s, double ds1, double ds2)
function adds a laneSection with restricted area after a lane widening
- Parameters:
secs – vector of all lanesections of a road
side – determines the road’s side of the widening
s – position of lane widening
ds1 – length of lane widening
ds2 – length of restricted areay (always lager than ds1)
- Returns:
int error code
int addRestrictedAreaDrop(vector<laneSection> &secs, int side, double s, double ds1, double ds2)
function adds a laneSection with restricted area after a lane drop
- Parameters:
secs – vector of all lanesections of a road
side – determines the road’s side of the drop
s – position of lane drop
ds1 – length of lane drop
ds2 – length of restricted areay (always lager than ds1)
- Returns:
int error code
int laneWideningJunction(road &r, double s, double ds, int turn, bool verschwenkung, bool restricted)
function creates laneWidenings in junction areas (in opposite s direction), for additional turning lanes
- Parameters:
r – road data
s – start of widening
ds – length of widening
turn – 1 = left lane turn, -1 = right lane turn
verschwenkung – determines if a ‘verschwenkung’ exists
restricted – determines if widening is a restricted area
- Returns:
int error code
1.2.11. addObjects.h
file contains methodology for object creation
int addTrafficIsland(object o, road &r)
function adds a traffic island to the lane structure
- Parameters:
o – object data
r – road data
- Returns:
int error code
int addRoadWork(object o, road &r, int laneId)
function generates a roadwork
- Parameters:
o – object containing length and position of roadwork
r – road which contains the roadwork
laneId – lane which contains the roadwork
- Returns:
int error code
int addParking(object o, road &r)
function adds parking splot objects
- Parameters:
o – object data
r – road data
- Returns:
int error code
int addBusStop(object o, road &r)
function adds a bus top
- Parameters:
o – objct data
r – road data
- Returns:
int error code
int getPosition(DOMElement *node, object &o)
function gets the object position
- Parameters:
node – object input data
o – object data
- Returns:
int error code
int addObjects(DOMElement *inRoad, road &r, roadNetwork &data)
function creates objects
- Parameters:
inRoad – road input data from input file
r – road data
data – roadNetwork structure where the generated roads and junctions are stored
- Returns:
int error code
int addSignal(road &r, roadNetwork &data, double s, double t, string type, string subtype, int controller)
function creates a signal which is automatically generated
- Parameters:
r – road which contains the signal
data – roadNetwork data, which holds the controls
s – s position of signal
t – t position of signal
type – type of signal
subtype – subtype of signal
controller – controllerof signal
- Returns:
int error code
1.3. XML parsing
1.3.1. xmlParser.h
This file contains functions to parse xml code.
Copyright (c) 2021 Institut für Kraftfahrzeuge, RWTH Aachen, ika Report bugs and download new versions https://github.com/ika-rwth-aachen/RoadGeneration
This library is distributed under the MIT License.
- Author
Jannik Busse Contact: jannik.busse@rwth-aachen.de, christian.geller@rwth-aachen.de
string readNameFromNode(const DOMElement *node)
string readStrAttrFromNode(const DOMElement *node, const char *attribute, bool suppressOutput = false)
reads an attribute from a xercesC node without causing memory leak. use this method for reading attributes!!!
- Parameters:
node – the node to read the attribute from
attribute – attribute to read
suppressOutput – suppress output if the attribute is not found.
- Returns:
string returns a string value. Returns an empty string if no attribute with the given name is found.
int readIntAttrFromNode(const DOMElement *node, const char *attribute, bool suppress = false)
double readDoubleAttrFromNode(const DOMElement *node, const char *attribute)
bool readBoolAttrFromNode(const DOMElement *node, const char *attribute)
bool attributeExits(const DOMElement *node, const char *attribute)
DOMElement *getNextSiblingWithTagName(DOMElement *elem, const char *tag)
Get the Next Sibling with the specified tag name. Return NULL if nothing is found.
- Parameters:
elem – element which to find the sibling of
tag – name of the desired sibling
- Returns:
DOMElement* sibling if found. NULL otherwise
DOMElement *getChildWithName(const DOMElement *node, const char *childName)
looks for the first node that with matching name in the xml document
- Parameters:
childName – name too look for
res – return Element
- Returns:
first child element with name. NULL if nothing is found
DOMElement *getFirstChildFromNode(const DOMElement *node)
Get the First Child object.
- Parameters:
node – of the parent object
- Returns:
DOMElement* first child of parent object in the xml tree
string readAttributeFromChildren(DOMElement *node, const char *firstchild, const char *attr)
Reads the attribute from a child of a node. Use with caution: if multiple child nodes with the name exist, only the first one will be read.
- Parameters:
node – the node whose childs should be read
firstchild – name of the first child
attr – name of the attribute
- Returns:
string value of the attribute
string readAttributeFromChildren(DOMElement *node, const char *firstchild, const char *secondchild, const char *attr)
Reads the attribute from a child of a child of a node. Use with caution: if multiple child nodes with the name exist, only the first one will be read.
- Parameters:
node – the node whose childs should be read
firstchild – name of the first child
firstchild – name of the child of the first child
attr – name of the attribute
- Returns:
string value of the attribute
int generateCDATA(const char *data, DOMCDATASection **res)
int init(const char *rootNode)
initializes the dom document. needs to be called befofe using the parser
- Parameters:
rootNode – name of the root node
- Returns:
int error code
int serialize(const char *outname)
seriaizes the constructed xml tree
- Parameters:
outname – name of the output file
- Returns:
int error code
DOMElement *getRootElement()
void terminateXMLUtils()
DOMImplementation *impl
DOMDocument *doc
bool initialized = false
class ValidationErrorHandler : public ErrorHandler
- #include <xmlParser.h>
very simple error hander for the xerces dom parser
Public Functions
void warning(const xercesc::SAXParseException &ex)
void error(const xercesc::SAXParseException &ex)
void fatalError(const xercesc::SAXParseException &ex)
void resetErrors()
Private Functions
void reportParseException(const xercesc::SAXParseException &ex)
void warning(const xercesc::SAXParseException &ex)
class XStr
- #include <xmlParser.h>
wrapper class that handles conversion from xml string to string smoothly
Public Functions
inline XStr(const char *const toTranscode)
inline XStr(const XMLCh *transcoded)
inline ~XStr()
inline operator string()
inline operator int()
inline operator double()
inline operator XMLCh*()
inline const XMLCh *unicodeForm() const
Private Members
XMLCh *fUnicodeForm
inline XStr(const char *const toTranscode)
struct xmlTree
- #include <xmlParser.h>
Wrapper class that stores the xml dom context.
Public Functions
inline xmlTree()
inline DOMImplementation *getDocImpl()
inline DOMElement *getRootElement()
inline DOMDocument *getDoc()
inline int parseDocument(const char *path)
inline int getErrorCount()
inline xercesc_3_2::Grammar *loadGrammar(const char *const schema_file)
inline ~xmlTree()
inline xmlTree()
struct nodeElement
Public Functions
inline nodeElement(const char *value)
inline nodeElement(const char *value, nodeElement &parent)
inline ~nodeElement()
inline int createNode(const char *name)
inline int addAttribute(const char *key, const char *value)
inline int addAttribute(const char *key, string value)
inline int addAttribute(const char *key, junctionGroupType value)
inline int addAttribute(const char *key, int value)
inline int addAttribute(const char *key, float value)
inline int addAttribute(const char *key, double value)
inline int appendToNode(nodeElement &node)
inline int appendToNode(DOMElement *node)
inline int addTextNode(const char *text)
Public Members
DOMElement *domelement
inline nodeElement(const char *value)
1.3.2. xml.h
int validateInput(char *file, xmlTree &xmlInput)
function checks the input file against the corresponding input.xsd
- Parameters:
file – input file
- Returns:
int error code
int validateOutput(roadNetwork &data)
function checks the output file against the corresponding output.xsd
- Parameters:
data – output data
- Returns:
int error code
void appendLinkToNodeXercesC(nodeElement road, link &successor, link &predecessor)
helper function to append the link node to road node
- Parameters:
road – the road xml node
sucessor – the potential successor to the road segment
sucessor – the potential predecessor to the road segment *
int createXMLXercesC(roadNetwork &data)
int printLogo()
function for displaying the road generation logo
1.4. Connection
1.4.1. closeRoadConnection.h
This file contains methods for building the geometry of a new road.
int closeRoadConnection(vector<geometry> &geo, double x1, double y1, double phi1, double x2, double y2, double phi2)
function generates geometries recursivly so that the two input points are connected with a feasible geometry
- Parameters:
geo – vector which contains all output geometries
x1 – x component of start point
y1 – y component of start point
phi1 – angle of start point
x2 – x component of end point
y2 – y component of end point
phi2 – angle of end point
- Returns:
int error code
1.4.2. closeRoadNetwork.h
This file contains methods for building the geometry of a new road.
int closeRoadConnection(vector<geometry> &geo, double x1, double y1, double phi1, double x2, double y2, double phi2)
function generates geometries recursivly so that the two input points are connected with a feasible geometry
- Parameters:
geo – vector which contains all output geometries
x1 – x component of start point
y1 – y component of start point
phi1 – angle of start point
x2 – x component of end point
y2 – y component of end point
phi2 – angle of end point
- Returns:
int error code
1.4.3. linkSegments.h
This file contains methods for building the geometry of a new road.
int closeRoadConnection(vector<geometry> &geo, double x1, double y1, double phi1, double x2, double y2, double phi2)
function generates geometries recursivly so that the two input points are connected with a feasible geometry
- Parameters:
geo – vector which contains all output geometries
x1 – x component of start point
y1 – y component of start point
phi1 – angle of start point
x2 – x component of end point
y2 – y component of end point
phi2 – angle of end point
- Returns:
int error code
1.5. Utils
1.5.1. curve.h
file contains curve function for calculating positions along geometries
int fresnel(double s, double &x, double &y)
function computes the fresnel integral
- Parameters:
s – position s in a spiral
x – result for x component
y – result for y component
- Returns:
int error code
int curve(double s, geometry geo, double &x, double &y, double &phi, int fd)
function computes the x, y, phi value for a given geometry at position s
- Parameters:
s – position where x, y, phi should be computed
geo – geometry
x – start value of geometry and holds resulting value for x
y – start value of geometry and holds resulting value for y
phi – start value of geometry and holds resulting value for phi
fd – determines if finite differences should be used for derivative
- Returns:
int error code
1.5.2. geometries.h
file contains geometry functionalities
int addLine(vector<geometry> &geo, double x1, double y1, double phi1, double x2, double y2, double phi2)
function adds a line
- Parameters:
geo – vector of all geometries
x1 – x component of start point
y1 – y component of start point
phi1 – angle of start point
x2 – x component of end point
y2 – y component of end point
phi2 – angle of end point (not used here)
- Returns:
int error code
int addArc(vector<geometry> &geo, double x1, double y1, double phi1, double x2, double y2, double phi2)
function adds an arc
- Parameters:
geo – vector of all geometries
x1 – x component of start point
y1 – y component of start point
phi1 – angle of start point
x2 – x component of end point
y2 – y component of end point
phi2 – angle of end point
- Returns:
int error code
int addCompositeCurve(vector<geometry> &geo, double x1, double y1, double phi1, double x2, double y2, double phi2)
function adds a composite curve
- Parameters:
geo – vector of all geometries
x1 – x component of start point
y1 – y component of start point
phi1 – angle of start point
x2 – x component of end point
y2 – y component of end point
phi2 – angle of end point
- Returns:
int error code
1.5.3. helper.h
file contains helper functionalities
int sgn(double d)
signum function
- Parameters:
d – input
- Returns:
int sng(d)
int fixAngle(double &a)
function fixes the input angle in the range of [-M_PI, M_PI]
- Parameters:
a – angle
- Returns:
int error code
int findMinLaneId(laneSection sec)
function find the minimum laneId of current lanesection
- Parameters:
sec – lanesection for which the laneId should be computed
- Returns:
int minimum laneId -> if not found value 100 is stored
int findMaxLaneId(laneSection sec)
function find the maximum laneId of current lanesection
- Parameters:
sec – lanesection for which the laneId should be computed
- Returns:
int maximum laneId -> if not found value -100 is stored
bool isBoundary(laneSection sec, int id)
function determines of given laneId is at the boundary of the current lanesection
- Parameters:
sec – lanesection for which the boundary should be proofed
id – laneid for which the boundary should be proofed
- Returns:
true if the lane is a boundary-lane
- Returns:
false if the lane is not a boundary-lane
int findLane(laneSection sec, lane &l, int id)
function returns the lane with given id
- Parameters:
sec – lanesection in which the lane is stored
l – lane which has the laneId id
id – laneId of the lane to find
- Returns:
int position in laneSection vector
int findRoad(vector<road> roads, road &r, int id)
function returns the road with the given id
- Parameters:
roads – road vector in which the road is stored
l – road which has the roadId id
id – roadId of the lane to find
- Returns:
int position in road vector
double laneWidth(lane l, double s)
function determines lanewidth of the given lane at positon s
- Parameters:
l – lane for which the lanewidth should be computed
s – position where the lanewidth should be computed
- Returns:
double computed lanewidth
double findTOffset(laneSection sec, int id, double s)
function computes the tOfset of a given lane inside of a lanesection at position s
- Parameters:
sec – lanesection for which the tOffset should be computed
id – laneId of the lane with the tOffset
s – s position of the tOffset
- Returns:
double computed tOffset
int shiftLanes(laneSection &sec, int id, int dir)
function shifts all lanes in given lanesection from lane with laneId
- Parameters:
sec – lanesection which should be shifted
id – lane which is the start of the shift; all outer lanes are shifted
dir – dir = 1 shift to outer side, die = -1 shift to inner side
- Returns:
int error code
int findLeftLane(laneSection sec, int side)
function finds the id of the left turn lane
- Parameters:
sec – laneSection
side – determines current side
- Returns:
int laneId of left lane
int findRightLane(laneSection sec, int side)
function finds the id of the right turn lane
- Parameters:
sec – laneSection
side – determines current side
- Returns:
int laneId of right lane
int findInnerMiddleLane(laneSection sec, int side)
function finds the id of the inner middle lane (not marked)
- Parameters:
sec – laneSection
side – determines current side
- Returns:
int laneId of left lane
int findOuterMiddleLane(laneSection sec, int side)
function finds the id of the outer middle lane (not marked)
- Parameters:
sec – laneSection
side – determines current side
- Returns:
int laneId of left lane
int calcFromTo(road r1, road r2, int &from, int &to, int &nF, int &nT, int mode)
function calculates the possible lane connections
- Parameters:
r1 – input from road
r2 – input to road
from – output defining from lane
to – output defining from lane
nF – amount of possible lanes from
nT – amount of possile lanes to
mode – either right-right / middle-middle / left-left
- Returns:
int error code
int sortRoads(road r1, road &r2, road &r3, road &r4)
function sorts the roads r2,r3,r4 to their corresponding angle
- Parameters:
r1 – reference road with reference angle
r2 – first additional road
r3 – second additional road
r4 – third additional road
- Returns:
int error code
int sortRoads(road r1, road &r2, road &r3)
function sorts the roads r2,r3 to their corresponding angle
- Parameters:
r1 – reference road with reference angle
r2 – first additional road
r3 – second additional road
- Returns:
int error code
int computeIP(double x1, double y1, double phi1, double x2, double y2, double phi2, int &type, int &type1, int &type2, double &iPx, double &iPy)
function computes intersection point
- Parameters:
x1 – x position of first point
y1 – y position of first point
phi1 – angle of first point
x2 – x position of second point
y2 – y position of second point
phi2 – angle of second point
type – type (parallel, identical, other)
type1 – type of first point (p,n,0)
type2 – type of second point (p,n,0)
iPx – x position of intersection point
iPy – y position of intersection point
- Returns:
int error code
template<typename ...Args>
std::string string_format(const std::string &format, Args... args) function used for xsd checking output
- Parameters:
format – xsd validation file
args – here the project directory PROJ_DIR
- Returns:
output buffer
std::string getContactPointType(contactPointType t)
function get contactpoint name
- Parameters:
t – contactpoint
- Returns:
string name of contactpoint
std::string getGeometryType(geometryType t)
function get geometrytype name
- Parameters:
t – geometrytype
- Returns:
string name of geometrytype
std::string getLinkType(linkType t)
funtion get linktype name
- Parameters:
t – linkname
- Returns:
string name of linkname
bool compareObjects(const object &a, const object &b)
function compares objects by id
- Parameters:
a – object 1
b – object 2
- Returns:
true id of object 1 is smaller than id of object 2
- Returns:
false id of object 2 is smaller than id of object 1
bool compareSignals(const sign &a, const sign &b)
function compares objects by id
- Parameters:
a – signal 1
b – signal 2
- Returns:
true id of signal 1 is smaller than id of signal 2
- Returns:
false id of signal 2 is smaller than id of signal 1
size_t getTimeStamp(char *date_time)
bool compareLanes(const lane &a, const lane &b)
function compares lanes by id
- Parameters:
a – lane 1
b – lane 2
- Returns:
true id of lane 1 is smaller than id of lane 2
- Returns:
false id of lane 2 is smaller than id of lane 1
bool isIn(vector<int> &v, int &i)
checks if int is in vector
- Parameters:
v – vector to check
i – integer
- Returns:
true int is in vector
- Returns:
false int is not in vector
void throwWarning(string msg, string origin, bool mute = false)
void throwWarning(string msg, bool mute = false)
void throwError(string msg, string origin)
void throwError(string msg)
1.5.4. settings.h
file contains curve function for calculating positions along geometries
int fresnel(double s, double &x, double &y)
function computes the fresnel integral
- Parameters:
s – position s in a spiral
x – result for x component
y – result for y component
- Returns:
int error code
int curve(double s, geometry geo, double &x, double &y, double &phi, int fd)
function computes the x, y, phi value for a given geometry at position s
- Parameters:
s – position where x, y, phi should be computed
geo – geometry
x – start value of geometry and holds resulting value for x
y – start value of geometry and holds resulting value for y
phi – start value of geometry and holds resulting value for phi
fd – determines if finite differences should be used for derivative
- Returns:
int error code
1.6. Library files
1.6.1. export.h
This file contains the most important functions for using the road generation library.
- EXPORTED void setFileName (char *file)
Sets the filename of the input file.
- Parameters:
file – file name *
- EXPORTED void setXMLSchemaLocation (char *file)
set path to xml schema files
- Parameters:
file – set path
- EXPORTED void setLogFile (char *file)
set log file location
- Parameters:
file – set file location
- EXPORTED int execPipeline ()
execute the pippeline on fileName that is stored in settings
- EXPORTED int executePipeline (char *file)
execute the pipeline on given fileName
- Parameters:
file – filename to run the pipeline on
- EXPORTED void setOutputName (char *file)
set the output file name
- Parameters:
file – output file
- EXPORTED void setSilentMode (bool sMode)
sets the silent mode. Silent mode disables most console output
- Parameters:
sMode – sets silent mode to True or False
- EXPORTED void setOverwriteLog (bool b)
set overwriting the error log to ture or false
- Parameters:
b – true if errorlog should be overwritten